Banana Bar and Cafe

UI & UX Design

Explore prototype

Please click through the prototype bellow to get a feel for the UI design.




  • This was a creative project where I got to improve my skills in the Figma software. I created a restaurant, Banana Bar and Cafe, from logo to brand identity to website. The main goal was to design this platform focusing on UX and UI experience. I wanted to create a fun brand using bright colors and bold type. While also creating a functional website for the restaurant that prioritizes user journey.

  • The concept for my restaurant became a restaurant and bar that serves banana-centered dishes and drinks, based off a personal love for the fruit. My process began with a set of wireframes to ensure a logic layout.

    UX design was created to be straight forward and simple. The “?” in the upper right opens a concise menu tab. Everything is easy to read and is logical for a large variety of user personas.

    UI designed to be visually interesting and consistent brand elements throughout. Also to have unique assets that differentiate the brand from competitors through web elements.

  • The Figma prototype shows the functionality of the UX and UI elements and how they work together for effective and enjoyable user experience.


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